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How to Raise a Successful Adult

Kids doing dishes

Hello, my sweet friends! Summer is here. Thursday, was the first full day that the kids were out of school. I love the feeling of the sun on my face, hanging out at the pool, and bike rides around our neighborhood. Ready to relish every bit of summer.

I watched a great Ted Talk a few weeks ago and it left a lasting impression on me. Actually, it blew my mind. Lol! So, as usual, I thought that I would share.

A check listed childhood and the consequences of over-protective parenting….

The speaker, a former head at Stanford, talked about the standard at which we hold our kids, a standard that we were never held to. She said that we encourage our offspring to be in every after school program, to strive for the highest grades and test scores possible, to aim for the most accolades and awards attainable. Noting that their activities and hectic schedules are FAR more important than their happiness, home responsibilities, and/or sleep.

In the race to push our kids to SOAR, to reach a little higher, these same kids are wilting as adults. Stressed from a childhood that was anything, but simple. The interesting point is that in our drive to have them be the BEST that they can be, we place less importance on simple activities like free play and chores.

Harvard’s Grant Study

During the Ted Talk, Mrs. Lythcott-Haims referenced the longest longitudinal human study in existence. Harvard’s Grant Study, which started in 1938, found that the best predictor of success in latter life was CHORES in childhood. Yes, chores! The research concluded that the willingness to perform household tasks as a kid translated to a “can do” attitude in adulthood.

Something as simple as taking out the trash and cleaning dishes correlated to the MOST SUCCESSFUL people in the study.

So, now what?

I had a hard time finding the perfect chore chart and I didn’t want to spend a lot on it. Instead, I found a free printable and then took it to the UPS store to be laminated.

Parker and John Barton each have their own chart. I plan on rotating their chores weekly, so that they have a variety of job duties. Hopefully, having it on our refrigerator will be a good reminder for them to complete their daily tasks.

For Parker’s chore chart, go here. For John Barton’s chore chart, go here.

An age appropriate chore list that I used.

Here’s to raising SUCCESSFUL adults! 😉


Lythcott-Haims, Julie. “How to raise successful kids – without over-parenting.” Ted Talks, November 2015,

Vaillant, George E., The Study of Adult Development,

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